
BMW Bylaws

1.       MEETINGS

A.      Monthly

The breakfast meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month of the calendar year, except for August when there is no morning meeting and the club holds an annual summer party. The other exception is when the first Thursday conflicts with the beginning of the academic school year and/or the school year’s holiday calendar.  In the case of such a conflict, the meeting will automatically move to the second Thursday of the month. Members are required to attend a minimum of 8 meetings.

7:20 a.m.              Doors open - Networking

7:25 a.m.              Breakfast served

7:40 a.m.              Call to order and welcome

9:00 a.m.              Meeting is adjourned

  • A copy of the agenda will be emailed to the Membership on the Monday prior to the meeting and one copy will be available at each table at the meeting.

  • A copy of attendance records will be available at each meeting; attendance is monitored by Executive members.

  • A business card holder is present during each meeting.  Members are encouraged to keep their individual compartments stocked.

  • One meeting in each quarter will be made available to an outside guest speaker.  If a member has a suggestion for a guest speaker, please submit to the Vice President. Annual guest speaker breakfast budget allowance will not exceed the equivalent of the cost of 8 member breakfasts (this works out to an average of 2 breakfasts paid by the group per meeting, should we have an outside speaker in each quarter). Should we not utilize the guest breakfast allowance in a quarter, that allowance can be carried forward to use in future quarters. (For example, first quarter - no guest speaker. Second quarter - guest speaker who has 4 speakers as part of their group. The cost of all 4 guests will be covered). Should the allowance need to exceed the 8 breakfast minimum per calendar year, the members will be notified and polled as to whether the allowance should be exceeded for that year.

  • Three meetings in each quarter are made available for a presentation by a BMW member, except for the last quarter of the year. Members may introduce their business or provide an update about their business. Presentations can be 5 minutes to 15 minutes with a 5 minute Q&A. Time permitting, we may be able to accommodate 2 speakers per meeting. If a member wishes to be a speaker at an upcoming meeting, please submit your request to the Vice President.

  • If no speakers are planned, this will extend the time for member networking and promotion of our business.

  • Members are encouraged to act as speakers to better explain their product or service.  This is an excellent way to promote one’s business interest to a friendly and attentive group.

  • Space is available for displays by BMW members in coordination with the Vice President at all meetings.

  • Minutes and attendance record of the previous meeting (captured within the minutes) shall be distributed to the members prior to the next meeting.

B.      Annual Business Meeting

The December meeting will be the annual business meeting.  No speaker will be scheduled and invitation to guests are not permitted.  Members intending to bring business forward for discussion should notify the President in advance so that their new business request can be noted on the agenda.  The invoices for the annual membership will be distributed in December to the membership.

Agenda/Discussion Items:

  • The Bylaws and Guidelines will be reviewed and any proposed changes will be discussed and voted upon.

  • Officers for the following year will be elected.

  • The Chair of the Nominating Committee will conduct the elections and appoint scrutineers.

  • The membership fees for the coming year will be discussed and approved.

C.      Bylaw and Guideline Amendments

A task force may be appointed, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, to review the By-Laws and Guidelines.  Such task force, if appointed, will report to the Executive committee and the Executive committee will bring forth its recommended changes to the membership prior to the November meeting. 

Any suggested changes to the Bylaws and Guidelines must be submitted in writing to the President by the October meeting.  The suggested changes will be distributed to the Members with the minutes from the October meeting. 

  • The agenda for the November meeting will include a discussion period for the suggested changes. 

  • The proposed amended Bylaws and Guidelines will be distributed to the Members along with the minutes from the November meeting.

  • The amended Bylaws and Guidelines will be voted on at the Annual Meeting.  There is no requirement that the Bylaws and Guidelines be amended annually.


Maximum membership is 50 active and social members.

Full membership means: participation at meetings, involvement in the annual fundraising event, a willingness to seek and fulfill the duties of office and not more than 3 meeting absences in a calendar year. It is understood that we will try to do business with each other and to promote each other professionally, whenever possible.  Membership is based on the person not the company.

There will be a mentoring system in place for new members for the first two months of them joining, to orient them into the group.  Their mentor will be the recruiting member or assigned by the Executive if there is no recruiting member (eg. new member joined via the website).

If an existing members changes category (or classification) they must resign in their current category and re-apply for the new category.  If that category is already filled they must go on the waiting list.

A.      BMW Directory

The Membership Coordinator will compile and update the “BMW Membership Directory and name and address list” and distribute it at the February meeting.  Membership information is to be regarded as privileged and for Members’ reference only.

B.      Eligibility for Membership

Members should be in executive or decision-making positions within their respective firms. Membership is limited to one member per category or classification of goods or services provided.

  • The Membership Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the “Membership Business Category Listing”, presenting any new categories to the membership and screening prospective members for conflicts with other member categories.

  • In dealing with proposed new member categories, any concerns of existing members regarding a proposed new member category should be expressed to any member of the Executive. The Executive is responsible for contacting any Member that is not in attendance who may have a potential conflict.  The final decision of the eligibility of new Members is left up to the Executive.

  • The business categories listed are the approved BMW unique Business Classifications (see Appendix A). A single Member may not hold dual or multiple roles or cross categories within their business representation. A Member must have significant portion of their business within that category to remain in that category. If a Member resigns the position, the category remains approved and a new member may apply for that position. To fill a vacant category, an applicant must be forwarded to the Membership Coordinator. Social members may not represent a category, even if vacant.

  • When a new, unapproved category is requested, a formal written profile will be emailed to the membership and the proposed category will be announced at the next monthly meeting. If approved, the category is then added to the Business Directory.  The final decision of the eligibility of the new members is left up to the Executive.

C.      Application Procedure

A guest is welcome providing the “Business Classification” that they are applying for is approved and vacant.  Guests cannot attend the December meeting.

Members interested in bringing a prospective member as a guest must notify the Membership Coordinator in advance of any meeting to which they propose to bring the guest. This will be vetted by the Executive.

The Membership Coordinator will send an invitation and the BMW Profile Form to the prospective member.  The prospective member is responsible to complete and return to the Membership Coordinator prior to attending the meeting.

There is no membership application fee, however, the guest fee per meeting (to cover the costs of catering, when relevant).  The fee amount is determined by the Executive. It is the responsibility of the inviting Member to see that this fee is paid to the Treasurer. A guest may attend up to two meetings before deciding whether or not to become a member. The Member inviting a prospective member will introduce them when they attend as a guest.

All applications may be vetted by Executive to ensure no conflicts between categories. In cases of several applications for an open classification, the first application received by the Membership Coordinator will be accepted, as long as the fee has been paid.

D.      Fees

The annual membership fees are prorated quarterly and include the monthly breakfasts, website profiles and access to the BMW business card file.  Membership fees are reviewed on an annual basis; any changes to the annual fees are put to a vote by the membership.

Membership fees must be paid in full by mid-January (date set by Treasurer) in any given year to maintain membership in the organization.

E.       Membership Responsibilities

Since each member’s business category is unique and protected within this organization, members must adhere to the BMW attendance standards.

Members who miss 3 meeting in a calendar year, without sending female representation from their business (a stand-in), will be receive a letter from the Membership Coordinator advising that they are required to attend all meeting to the end of the year or their resignation will be automatic on the next missed meeting and the business category will be declared vacant and open. No fees will be refunded. A stand-in can be sent to replace the member, but for no more than 3 meetings in a calendar year. The stand-in cannot be a conflict with any other member category.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Executive Committee may exercise its discretion to grant an exemption to this requirement where the Member has been absent for legitimate reasons such as family tragedy or sudden illness. In choosing to exercise its discretion, the Executive may take into account whether the Member notified the Secretary in advance with respect to her absence. 

The resignations of Members in good standing will be accepted and with regret and fees paid for any remaining full quarters of the year will be refunded. An exit interview will be requested for all resigning members to determine opportunities for improvement for our community Members. The Executive will determine which Executive member does the exit interview.

The number of meals ordered for each meeting is based on the assumption that all will be present.  Members must notify the Secretary at least 48 hours before a meeting if:

  1. A guest (previously cleared through the Membership Coordinator) will be attending or

  2. The Member, herself, is unable to attend.

Members are responsible for their profile content on the BMW Website and are responsible to submit profile changes to the Membership Coordinator.

Leave of Absence Request: A leave of absence would be defined where the Member is advising Executive that they will not be attending for a period of time but wish to maintain their networking position (and not defer to a social member status). A Leave of Absence may be granted on a ‘case by case’ basis by the Executive. The Member applying must be a ‘member in good standing’, defined as being respectful of BMW attendance bylaws, adheres to communication guidelines established, dues are paid in full and the member is respectful of timing of the meetings. The position of the requesting member may also be considered, depending if there is a waiting list for the particular business category and potential length of leave.

F.       Social Retired Member

The Social Retired Member is an honorary “Social Position”.  The responsibility of this BMW position to help contribute/promote to the fundraising activities; along with providing mentoring to the next generation of women new to the group. Social membership is limited to 10 members (up to 20% of our maximum group membership unless otherwise approved by Executive).

The Criteria for the Social Retired Member:

  • The member must be one of the following:

    - A BMW Member in good standing for ten Years;

    - Held a BMW Executive position.

  • The Social Retired Member will not be allowed to network their business.

  • The position is a voting membership position.

  • The fees are the same as the current membership fees.

  • Social Members must attend a minimum of 6 meting per year


The BMW Executive is made of the following position:

  • President

  • Vice-President

  • Recording Secretary

  • Membership Coordinator

  • Treasurer

  • The position of Past President is acclaimed.

Annual elections will be held at the December Annual Meeting.  Executive positions are for a one (1) year term commencing January 1st in the following year. Terms on Executive can be extended with support of the membership, as required.

The President shall announce the election at the October meeting, call for nominees and coordinate the functioning of the Nominating Committee by charging the chairperson of the Committee to conduct the nomination process during the month of November. The Past-President shall chair the Nominating Committee. A nominating form will be mailed to the members along with the minutes of the October meeting.

The Nominating Committee:

  • Consists of the most immediate Past Presidents. If one is not available, Past Presidents shall be asked to participate in the receding order;

  • Polls the membership, not including the current Executive, to find one member willing to be nominated for each Executive position;

  • Collects names of other nominees and /or volunteers as they come forward to be added to the slate of nominees;

  • Conducts the election by secret ballot at the Annual Meeting according to standard election procedures; i.e. posting the nominees names in writing and asking for further nominees from the floor 3 times;

  • In the event of only one (1) nominee for a position, the chairperson shall announce that that position if filled by acclamation;

  • Each position will be voted upon in order from President through to Treasurer;

  • Members may elect to either be nominated to more than one position and/or let their name stand for a subsequent position should be unsuccessful in a preceding position.  In that case, the chairperson shall call for nominee’s intent in this matter prior to proceeding to the vote for the next position;

  • Current executive members may put their names forward for the same position or another position of their choosing.


  • Sets and distribute the agenda in coordination with the Vice-President.

  • Chairs the general and Executive meetings.

  • Requests approval of the meeting minutes.

  • Monitors and ensure compliance with the Bylaws and Guidelines.

  • At the May meeting, requests volunteer(s) for Fund Raiser Chair, also to be sent out with the minutes.

  • At the May meeting, call for charity nominations, reviews charity presentation guidelines and provides the membership with the “Charity Requirements”.  These should also be detailed in the April minutes.

  • At the June meeting, identifies the Fundraising Chair and coordinates the Charity presentations and the vote for the Charity selection for the fundraising event for the following year.

  • Requests approval of format for the annual fundraising event at the September meeting.

  • Oversees nominating committee for annual election at October meeting and ensure that it is in place.

  • Strikes committees or task forces as required and delegates to such committees or task forces as necessary, appointing a chair of said committee or task force who reports back to the executive committee and any such committee or task force may include at least one member of the Executive Committee.

  • Acts as an Ambassador/Spokeswoman for BMW.


  • Arranges all speaker and meeting programs.

  • Arranges meeting location and breakfast. (If the meeting is virtual, this is managed by the VP or member of the Executive). Provides the BMW meeting attendance numbers to the meeting location.

  • Chairs meetings in the absence of the President.

  • Coordinates social and education activities.

  • Maintains the historic record of the London BMW events and highlights.

  • Collaborates with the BMW member who monitors and manages the BMW website to ensure the update is updated regularly and as required.

Recording Secretary:

  • Compiles and emails minutes at least one week prior to the next meeting.

  • Handles all correspondence (including recognition of events significant to members).

  • Manages invitation to meetings on Evite platform. Accepts regrets and notifications of guest attendance.

  • Ensures attendance is recorded at each meeting.

  • Monitors attendance records and includes with the distribution of the monthly meeting minutes.

  • Reports attendance records to the President and the Membership Coordinator. Secretary will include the monthly attendance records with the monthly meeting minutes.

  • Arranges a substitute to take the minutes in the event of absence.

Membership Coordinator:

  • Maintains membership records.

  • Coordinates communications with members and prospective members, as required.

  • Screens guests to prevent business conflicts, solicits required information from prospective Members and upon membership approval collets membership fee for the Treasurer.

  • Provides a new Member with a copy of the bylaws and written confirmation/welcome note with a copy to Executive, upon payment of fee distributes member profiles in the December minutes for changes.

  • Annually updates and distributes the list of approved Business Categories and the membership directory including the name and address list in February.

  • Manages membership application waitlist (if any).

  • Facilitates new member orientation to BMW and the member, along with new member mentor (recruiting member).

  • Distributes new member profiles periodically through the year.

  • Notifies the Secretary of any new potential Member attending the meeting.

  • Collects the breakfast fee from the potential new member attending the breakfast, with the exception of a potential new member attending with a BMW member, in which case the current member is responsible to submit breakfast fee to the Treasurer.


  • Collect fees.

  • Pays bills.

  • Maintains financial records and reports monthly to members.

  • Prepares and submits the financial statement budget as soon as practical after the New Year.

  • Prepares annual membership invoices to be mailed out in November minutes.

  • Provides annual fund-raiser financial data of the previous year to the event coordinator for preparation of the new event budget.

  • Monitor the breakfast budget to ensure the amount spent on Outside Guest Speaker breakfasts do not exceed the allotted 8 breakfasts per year. If the maximum allowance of 8 breakfasts is reached, the Treasurer will report that information to the Vice President, as the Vice President is responsible for coordinating the outside Guest Speakers.

Immediate Past President:

  • Will attend Executive meetings (as required) and be available to current Executive to provide continuity and assistance.

  • Chairs the Nominating Committee.

  • Along with the Nominating Committee, reviews membership and makes nominations for BMW Executive after November meeting in accordance with the bylaws.

  • Conducts the annual elections at the December meeting in accordance with the bylaws.


There is generally one fundraising event per year, the timing to be determined by membership. The President is responsible for requesting approval for: the selected Charity, the Fundraising Chair and requesting approval for the event. Each member is responsible to become involved in the Annual Fundraiser and will strive to take part in supporting the event (e.g. sell one table of tickets (total of 10) and provide three auction items). The Charity selected is intended to support women and children in our community.

To download the Bylaws as a PDF: click here